We can definitely claim that CozyChick offers the most hygienic egg packaging available anywhere. There are different aspects of how our product is designed to be the most hygienic egg packaging on the market. Here are a few of the hygienic advantages.

Hygiene In Raw Material
The egg shell looks hard but by nature’s design, it has millions of micro-holes to make breathing possible for the chick while it grows inside the egg. The holes are designed in a way to suck in oxygen but at the same time prevent the liquid (water contents) from leaking out.
When exposing eggs (shell) to any material the tendency is that they suck in that material as much as it can. Everyone has experience during Easter festivities when you decorate eggs by coloring them and when the festivities are over, you break them and see the same paint used for coloring the shells has penetrated inside the eggs.

This means that any bacteria, Virus, impurities, chemicals, and dirt WILL penetrate directly into the eggs. Now with this knowledge, we understand why it is so vitally important that the material that eggs is packaged in need to be hygienic. It is just as important as the material that you pack yogurt, butter, milk etc. in. The recent deadly spread of diseases such as Salmonella is just one example.
Recycled Paper Eggbox
Paper egg boxes were introduced to the market about 100 years ago. From the very beginning, the material has always been based on recycled paper.Papers such as newspapers that everyone has touched with their hands whichare full of bacteria and viruses:
Recycled paper is also from carton packing for every product. It is touched by hands and thrown into very unclean and unhygienic waste collection places and floors.
Every year 2,6 Trillion pounds of garbage is produced where 17% of them are paper. That means 442billion pounds of paper is wasted. Some of this amount is recycled locally and a great deal of it recycled in advanced countries. Unfortunately the countries with weaker economy do not have advanced facilities for recycling the papers. The same countries collect the most contaminated papers for recycling and ship them across the globe to countries with better economies, with more advanced recycling facilities and higher demands for them. It might surprise everyone to know that most of the recycled papers in the west are shipped from other countries with less hygiene in focus.
This is what the recycled paper and processing looks like in the most hygienic plants. Imagine the rest. The paper and plant even in the high-end example aretotally unclean.
Lots of dirt and chemicals are in the manufacturing room. Quite a bit of ink is needed to paint the new material. But, the most dangerous of all materials used for paper and recycled paper is bleach. Bleach is cancer causing and dangerous for your health. Paper and recycled paper are a good material for reprinting and packing products other than food stuff. But, it is definitely not good for food items. Paper and recycled paper egg packaging are full of bleach, dirt, viruses, bacteria etc. and by placing the eggs next to them; the eggs suck in all the impurities and cause of diseases which are directly mixed with the eggs that we eat.
Bleach is cancer causing and dangerous for your health. Paper and recycled paper are a good material for reprinting and packingproducts other than food stuff. But, it is definitely not good for food items.
Paper and recycled paper egg packaging are full of bleach, dirt, viruses, bacteriaetc. and by placing the eggs next to them; the eggs suck in all the impurities andcause of diseases which are directly mixed with the eggs that we eat.
A comprehensive study has been done by German Federal Government Consumers ministry that shows that there are over 250 health hazardous substances in recycled paper that can migrate into food stuff directly.
Based on this study a draft proposal to ban use of recycledpaper for food packaging is under study. By banning recycled paper
for food packaging a tremendous opportunity for this product will be in
Plastic Eggbox
There are a number of plastic Egg box solutions on the market today. They are all produced by a few different plastic materials. Polystyrene, PVC, and Recycled-PET are some of the plastic material that is used to produce egg packaging. Various studies show that all of them impose a health risk when they come in contact with food. Due to the health risks and environmental effects, most of them are banned from the market.

Cozy Chick Biodegradable Material
CozyChick egg packaging is produced using new, virgin, Hygienic Biodegradable material. The material is certified for packing food items such as yogurt, margarine, butter .. packages.

Hygiene In Production
In the above videos about recycling papers, you have certainly noticed the cleanness level of the production sites which is for sure, much less than anyone’s imagination. Here is the type of production site for CozyChick egg packaging. The sites are typically clean rooms with all the devices and cleanliness measures available to apply for food grade packaging.
The above video is an example of the machinery, material and factory site for food packaging production. CozyChick is produced in a similar clean environment.
Hygiene In Storage
All of us know that bacteria and viruses grow fast in humid conditions. Egg shells usually have contamination because eggs are naturally dropped from chickens back to the floor usually with a hint of a chicken blood contamination that stays on the shell after the eggs have been laid. The risk is increased by floor contamination which is a mixture of chicken droppings etc. Storing eggs in a humid condition without air circulation causes the bacteria to thrive and grow quickly. Even if the eggs are washed and there is no air circulation around them, the eggs get rotten fast. This document of FAO (United Nations Agricultural Arm) explains the fact.
The perfect egg packaging should be designed to allow air flow inside the package and around the egg so that it can be kept dry. If the air flow, which is designed by openings in the package is too small, the proper amount of air is not circulated. If the opening is too big, then dust and other contaminations penetrate into the package. Most of today's egg packaging on the market has one problem or the other.
CozyChick has a patented design for the perfect amount of air to flow inside the egg package. The egg itself inside the package is resting on a spring-like mechanism on the bottom and on the top which makes the air circulation possible on the whole surface of the egg.

Hygiene at Stores
If you are a person who always opens up an egg box to make sure that the eggs inside are unbroken or un-cracked, you are one of the absolute majority.

Touching eggs at stores is a very normal habit but it is extremely risky for our health. Our hands are full of dangerous bacteria and viruses.
CozyChick is made from a material that is transparent and unlike a paper egg box; we can all see the eggs inside from all different sides and angles. We don’t need to open and touch the eggs to see if they are un-cracked/unbroken.

The paper pulp egg packaging by it’s nature sucks in all the moist and humidity in the air and as a result creates a very humid air and resting place for eggs. Any food item can get moldy when exposed to high humidity. So are the eggs just any other food item. Some times the molds are not even visible but surely harmful to health.

The best recommendation that all food health experts do is to keep the food dry. While the paper pulp egg packaging is impossible to keep dry by it’s nature the material used for CozyChick is fully plastic and 100% not moisture absorbent. The advance air circulation design of CozyChick let’s the eggs to stay very dry to minimize the risk of molds on the eggs. Please see the air circulation features of the CozyChick.