Environmental concerns are becoming a priority in today's behavior of industries and consumers. There is no doubt that the future belongs to the products which have the least burden on our planet's limited resources. A product of the future has the least negative effect on our fragile environment and ecosystem.
This is why CozyChick had their focus on the environment while designing the patented egg packaging of the next millennium. This is why CozyChick is superior to all other solutions and products on the market when it comes to the environment.

Every year 100s of billions of egg boxes are used to pack eggs. This estimation is documented in the market size section of this document. They are produced in egg box production companies and transported to egg packing companies.
Just to get a better understanding of these huge transportation requirements, it might be beneficial to know that a full truckload of egg packaging in paper is 100,000 pcs. Let’s estimate the world market of eggs at a figure of 550 billion eggs and take into calculations only egg boxes of 12. This means 46 billion packs are required to pack that number of eggs, which equates to 460,000 trips by trucks from packaging manufacturer to egg packaging company are required to deliver this quantity.

CozyChick is designed to have the minimum stacking height when you stack the empty packages for transportation, compared to any other egg packaging on the market. The actual reduction of stacking height (volume) is 55% compared to paper which results in savings of 55% in transportation. The following pictures illustrate simply that stacking height for 14 paper packaging is equal to 31 CozyChick packaging both approximately 15,4CM in height. 14/31=45% of the volume which means 55% saving is direct result of seeing this picture.
Let's Run the Numbers!
With a simple calculation, it means if we ship the same quantity of CozyChick we will only have 45% X 460,000 = 207,000 truck trips.
That is saving of 253,000 truck trips. If an average trip is ONLY 250KM then the distance saved is 63,250,000KM and because trucks usually go back it will be 126,500,000KM saved in trips by trucks. This distance is about 3,200 times around the earth!
A truck consumes 50 liters (on average) of fuel per 100KM. The savings in fuel will be 63,500,000 liters which is a much smaller carbon footprint on the planet.

Water Saving
Recycling paper is a huge water consumption process. To turn the waste paper into egg boxes requires a huge amount of water. 180g/egg package!
CozyChick production does not consume any water. The water for this process is very minimal and used in a circle for cooling the machines but not consumed in the manufacturing process.
Water and Air Pollution
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found that recycling causes 35% less water pollution and 74% less air pollution than making virgin paper.[18] Pulp mills can be sources of both air and water pollution, especially if they are producing bleached pulp. Modern mills produce considerably less pollution than those of a few decades ago. Recycling paper decreases the demand for virgin pulp, thus reducing the overall amount of air and water pollution associated with paper manufacture. Recycled pulp can be bleached with the same chemicals used to bleach virgin pulp, buthydrogen peroxide and sodium hydrosulfite are the most common bleaching agents. Recycled pulp, or paper made from it, is known as PCF (process chlorine free) if no chlorine-containing compounds were used in the recycling process.[19] However, recycling mills may have polluting by-products like sludge. De-inking at Cross Pointe's Miami, Ohio mill results in sludge weighing 22% of the weight of wastepaper recycled.

Power Saving
Recycling paper demands a huge electricity power.
CozyChick production requires only15% of power compared to recycled paper egg packaging.
Energy consumption is reduced by recycling,[11] although there is debate concerning the actual energy savings realized. The Energy Information Administration claims a 40% reduction in energy when paper is recycled versus paper made with unrecycled pulp,[12] while the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) claims a 64% reduction.[13] Some calculations show that recycling one ton of newspaper saves about 4,000 kWh (14 GJ) of electricity, although this may be too high (see comments below on unrecycled pulp). This is enough electricity to power a 3-bedroom European house for an entire year, or enough energy to heat and air-condition the average North American home for almost six months.[14] Recycling paper to make pulp actually consumes more fossil fuels than making new pulp via the kraft process; these mills generate most of their energy from burning waste wood (bark, roots, sawmill waste) and byproduct lignin (black liquor).[15] Pulp mills producing new mechanical pulp use large amounts of energy; a very rough estimate of the electrical energy needed is 10 gigajoules per tonne of pulp (2500 kW·h per short ton).

Fully Recyclable

CozyChick like other egg packages is fully recyclable. The big advantage of CozyChick is that there will be no impurities and, therefore, the recycling process is not challenging and up to 100% of the material is recyclable. Power consumption for recycling CozyChick compared to paper recycling is much lower.
As this packaging is uniform and sizes are so precise, it is possible to make a redemption system as we do today in most of the countries such as Sweden. It is much more convenient to collect them at home as the stacking space required at home is much lower than for bottles. In redemption stations at supermarkets easily a station can be added to receive theCozyChick and pay the collector a redemption fee. This system already exists for bottles and can easily be adopted and introduced for CozyChick as well.
Here is how the redemption stations look like in Sweden at supermarkets.

Labeling Advantage
The technology used in production of CozyChick is THE ONLY technology that allows a 100% chemical free labeling. Both in paper egg packaging and other plastic egg packaging in the market (done by thermoforming technology as described earlier) labels are glued to the packaging. Glue contains harmful chemicals which directly goes to nature by these packages. Also on both paper and plastic egg packaging the material used to produce labels are different from the packaging itself. This makes correct recycling extremely difficult and costly. As the labels are attached to the products by glue there are issues most of the time such as not being glued on the right position, not glued fully and correctly etc.
CozyChick is produced by injection molding technology which is the only technology that allows the label to be attached to the product without using any glue. This technology is called IML, “In Mold Labeling”. The labels are produced by the same material that is used for the packages, they are printed by food safe ink and inserted into the mold before injection. The result is a beautiful, safe, hygienic, environmental friendly decoration of the product. As the label in this technology is melted into the package it is impossible to tear it away. It is always attached to the product with high precision and impossible to remove. These days most of the products in food stores are using the same technology. Here are pictures of a few.

Back to Nature by Nature
Proudly represent the fact that CozyChick is the only egg packing in the market that even if accidentally thrown into nature it will decompose just like a piece of wood. CozyChick has made this possible by using a special type of material that is fully Bio-Degradable

Fully Reusable
Many of us buy eggs in large trays of 30 eggs for the economics of such package. They are usually much cheaper than normal 6 or 10 packs. Maintaining such large tray in refrigerators till we used 30 eggs is always a hassle.
Because of stable and great shape of CozyChick we can always offload eggs from such a tray to CozyChick 6 pack and reuse it as long as it last. During cycles of this reuse the packs might get dirty and need to be washed.

CozyChick can easily and comfortably be washed in a dish washer many times without experiencing any deformation in the product. These are the results before and after the dish washer has done the job! Shiny just like new, not deformed CozyChick.
CozyChick will give this opportunity to be reused many times to save the environment.