CozyChick egg packaging is produced using new, virgin, Hygienic biodegradable material . Click here to find out more about the Hygiene that comes with CozyChick.
CozyChick egg packaging is designed with the environment in mind, down to every aspect of design. Visit this page to learn how CozyChick egg packaging is making the world a better place!
CozyChick egg packaging is constructed with the eggs best interest in mind. We believe in safe eggs. Click here to find out more about the safety that is associated with Cozy Chick.
CozyChick egg packaging is produced with you in mind. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you and answer any questiosn you might have!

CozyChick is designed to be functionally superior to any other similar product on the market. Great functional design in every aspect will help with the ease of use, will give the comfort and make the product work the way it should.

A great design is not only one that is functional, the beauty and feeling of a design is a key for us to feel good about a product. A great product with no feeling will fail. A beautiful design helps to create a relation between us and a product.
During our R&D, we have watched carefully the reaction of consumers the first time they got their hands on CozyChick. They looked like they fell in love with something beautiful, something that they never expected, something that naturally should be there and should feel that way, but had always been missing.
Other than the beautiful look of the material that CozyChick is made of, it is also the great feeling. The material is so soft and nice compared to any other plastic egg packaging available. The current plastic egg packaging products are made of a rough and hard sounding PET, similar to any plastic water bottle. The sound they make when closing and opening, or when you touch them, does not feel right. It is the same or even worse with egg packaging made of polystyrene plastic material.
One should hold, touch and look through CozyChick to experience this fantastic feeling of a superior product.

Client Testimonial:
"I was amazed when I saw and touched this egg packaging for the first time. My feeling about an egg packaging has never been good until I held CozyChick for the first time. It looks and feels great and eggs seems to be extremely safe in such superb packaging"